After spending every other spoken word railing against the Bush tax cuts during his campaign, President Obama now offers Republicans a compromise- Extend the Bush tax cuts for two more years. On the very day Obama offered it, the NY Times ran a story called, “Obama Is Against a Compromise on Bush Tax Cuts”.
Yes, I said the very day.
The story starts out with, “President Obama on Wednesday will make clear that he opposes any compromise that would extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy beyond this year.” But of course, he did the opposite of that- on Tuesday, the day this piece was published. And still they call it news.
ABC news got it right on the same day, with, President Obama is under fire from his own liberal base for agreeing to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for wealthy Americans, after campaigning against doing so for years.”
In all fairness, the NY Times predicted what Obama would say, based on what he said during his campaign, so they likely thought it was going to come true. But it didn’t. And now they look like a tabloid instead of a newspaper. I know what you’re thinking- they lost all credibility a long time ago. And I agree. But I just wanted to point out this, their latest attempt at propping up their base. Yes, their base- they are the spokes-paper for the Left.

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