As you know, progressive Liberal thinking is considered backward thinking here at Backward Times. So here is the list of the top 100 backward-thinking websites, a.k.a. the Liberal Progressive top 100.
Isn’t it hilarious that the top three sites, and seven out of the top ten, are so-called news sites? On the Top 100 Conservative Websites list there is only one news website that made the top ten- Fox News. It’s another shining example of how biased news can be these days- and how Liberal.
A special thanks goes out to DBKP (who is now out of business) for compiling this list. They made the Conservative list themselves, at number 47. Their site is a real leader in the Conservative movement, and they’ve become a real force in the online news takeover, redefining what mainstream is. Please visit their site when you can.
If you are Conservative, you’re sure to get a chuckle out of all the so-called News Magazines that made the list too. With names that include words like truth and independent, and oxymoron’s like informed and news, there is a lot of unwitting sarcasm on this list.
Here’s the list of the Top 100 liberal Progressive Websites…
DBKP compiled this list based on Alexa site rankings. They are the leader in ranking websites. Visit Alexa to see if your site is listed.

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