The top Conservative blogs for 2010 is a must-bookmark for all Conservatives. This list is a who’s-who in the Conservative movement- the real movers and shakers online. Plus, blogs let you post! So get on this page and start clicking. Every link is included, plus a few honorable mentions, like Laura Ingraham and Bill O’Rielly, who mysteriously didn’t make the list. Maybe the Weasel didn’t consider them true bloggers because of their radio and TV “real” jobs.
Weasel Zipper has done it again. He carefully researched all the data from, which measures “unique” visitors to websites, and compiled this list of the top 50 Conservative Blogs. (Not to be confused with the Top 100 Conservative Websites.) The numbers on the right refer to monthly (unique) visitors. And I’m happy to see the weasel made the list too, at number twenty-four. Congrats weasel.
When you really analyze it, this list shows some amazing trends…
Of course, Drudge still dominates the top position. But WND is number two? That one sat me up in my chair. I’m glad to see Michelle Malkin high up on the list. She’s becoming a huge voice in Conservative politics, and her blog is excellent. I always enjoy her whenever she appears on O’Reilly. Dick Morris is continuing his trek to the top.
I’m surprised Laura Ingraham’s Blog wasn’t on the list. According to she gets 96,000 unique hits a month. And what about Bill O’Reilly? His blog gets over 300,000 hits a month!
Still, nice job Weasel Zipper, and keep it up. We’ll be back.

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