Talk about backward times, it’s always amazing to me that some people (IE; animal rights lunatics), put animals above people.
Look, I love animals as much as anybody, but they don’t mean crap when it comes to people! In fact, animals are NOTHING compared to people. I’d kill a whole herd of elephants myself if it would save just one person, let alone feed a whole village, plus keep a farmer, or two in business. Wouldn’t you?
Well, apparently, the folks over at don’t feel that way. In fact, they’d rather save one elephant even if it means a farmer goes out of business and a whole village goes hungry.
I’ll lay out the facts and you guys decide for yourself…
Godaddy owner Bob Parsons went elephant hunting in Zimbabwe, with a local group of hunters that were being troubled by some elephants tearing up their crops. To me, it was a win-win situation- Bob can have a successful hunting trip, and at the same time feed an entire village, and help insure a farmer or two don’t lose their crops.
Bob Parsons videoed the event and called it what it is- Hunting Problem Elephant – My 2011 Vacation.
According to Namecheap, the outgoing CEO of GoDaddy was, “Shooting at a parade of elephants“, and “Killing an elephant for sport“. They also said, “Elephants are an endangered species”. NONE of which are true! I can’t help wondering, are they purposely misleading, or just misinformed?
Fact: He didn’t shoot at “a parade”. He shot ONE- a clean shot, followed by a kill-shot, putting it out of its misery very quickly. Maybe Bob was killing for sport, but I’m sure he also was very happy to feed the villagers and save a farm.
Fact: African elephants are NOT endangered. According to African elephants are NOT endangered and have an estimated population of more than 660,000.
Bob Parsons may have been hunting for sport, but Namecheap was very misleading to leave that statement there without more details. The fact is, his hunting adventure was tremendously GOOD for the people in Zimbabwe, and even the elephants. Over-population is the problem there, not endangerment.
Namecheap was, “Very disturbed” by this… Or were they?
Let’s consider the money for a moment. is the World’s No.1 Domain Name Registrar. The domain name industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry, with over 205 million domain names already registered (multiply that by an average price of about $12 per year, per name), and growing by an average of 20% a year. You think just maybe Namecheap saw a way to drag a few customers away from the giant? I certainly do.

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